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New Wireless Sensor Can “Predict the Future” for Fall-Risk Patients

by SCOTT JUNG on Aug 23, 2012 • 12:35 pm

fall predictor New Wireless Sensor Can Predict the Future for Fall Risk PatientsA new device from Texas Tech University is being developed to predict when a person might fall – even days in advance. It may sound like magic, but the device works by analyzing posture and gait trends and patterns, and sends an alert if there is a break in routine.
The device, which is wireless and small enough to be clipped to a belt, works by employing a number of accelerometers and gyroscopes. These sensors measure and build a database of a person’s normal movements, including standing up and sitting down. The data is processed using sophisticated algorithms that identify patterns and will alert the patient to take caution if the pattern is broken.
Texas Tech researchers still have to work out certain issues, such as the optimal location to wear the sensor where it won’t trigger false positives, but the device could be a huge benefit to both the geriatric community and those with balance issues from disorders such as Parkinson’s, epilepsy or dementia.
More info from Texas Tech University: New Technology Could Detect a Fall Before it Happens…




PV Mayer

Dr. Perry Mayer is the Medical Director of The Mayer Institute (TMI), a center of excellence in the treatment of the diabetic foot. He received his undergraduate degree from Queen’s University, Kingston and medical degree from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.