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Monday, February 22, 2010

Thinklabs iPhone App Pairs Up With Electronic Stethoscope

 Filed under: Medicine , Net News , Pediatrics

Thinklabs Medical, maker of the electrostatic ds32a stethoscope, has released an iPhone app that can record, playback, and visually display auscultation sounds. Basic editing and visualization options are built into the app, along with ability to save and email recordings.
There’s also a prerecorded library of sounds that can be used as a teaching aid or for general reference when listening to a patient.
Features of the app:

  • Record and Display waveforms and spectrogram in real time.
  • Scroll and Zoom In/Out using multi-Touch user interface.
  • Edit Sounds on-screen.
  • Save Recorded sounds.
  • Email Sounds and Images, along with notes.

To listen to heart sounds, an electronic stethoscope is required. The Thinklabs Digital Stethoscope ds32a has been tested with the iPhone and iPod Touch. An external Made for iPod / Works with iPhone audio input device with audio input jack is required in order to connect the stethoscope to the iPod. We recommend the Belkin TuneTalk.

Product page: Thinklabs Stethoscope App …
Flashback: Thinklabs ds32a Stethoscope with Electromagnetic Diaphragm



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