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Top Articles of 2010

  1. Culprit Identified in ACCORD Study
    It was not hypoglycemia from intensive control or intensive control itself that caused the increased deaths in the ACCORD study… [Full Story ]
  2. Debate Rages on HbA1c for Diabetes Diagnosis
    An international expert panel’s recommendation that A1c should be the primary test for diagnosing Type 2 diabetes has met considerable resistance… [ Full Story ]
  3. American Diabetes Association’s New Clinical Practice Recommendations Promote A1c as Diagnostic Test for Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes
    Faster, easier test could help reduce number of undiagnosed with diabetes and pre-diabetes… [ Full Story ]
  4. Joslin Identifies Source of Beta Cell Damage
    Scientists discovered that high blood glucose levels damage a key enzyme that guards insulin-producing beta cells… [ Full Story ]
  5. A1c Test for Diagnosis Not Perfect
    The limited sensitivity of the A1C test may result in missed or delayed diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes… [ Full Story]
  6. Blood Test Anticipates Diabetes 10 Years in Advance
    A blood test predicting diabetes risk 10 years earlier than current diagnosis has been developed… [ Full Story ]
  7. Significant Type 2 Diabetes Breakthrough
    Amyloid could “directly poison” pancreas cells. Shedding light on how a malfunctioning protein helps trigger Type 2 diabetes… [Full Story ]
  8. Key to Reversing Type 1 Diabetes Discovered
    Doctors have been stalking the culprit responsible for Type 1 diabetes… [ Full Story ]
  9. A1c’s Over Five Percent Increase Risk for Stroke
    HbA1c, even at levels in the “normal” range, emerged as an independently significant predictor of heart-disease events… [Full Story ]
  10. ADA and AHA Issues Statement Urging Caution for Primary-Prevention Aspirin
    Low-dose aspirin is “reasonable” in those with no history of vascular disease but who are… [ Full Story ]



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