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‘Unacceptably high’ number of diabetes amputations in Wirral

We need to see an improvement in the way care is organised.
12:25pm Friday 9th March 2012 in NewsBy Geoff Barnes
“More people must get the care they deserve to drastically reduce the number of preventable amputations.”
The Putting Feet First campaign will highlight how good practice results in reduced amputation rates.

'Unacceptably high' number of diabetes amputations in Wirral‘Unacceptably high’ number of diabetes amputations in Wirral

A NATIONAL campaign group has criticised the “unacceptably high” number of amputations in Wirral involving people with diabetes.
Diabetes UK has launched its Putting Feet First campaign this week aimed at lowering the number of “preventable” amputations.
It reveals that Wirral Primary Care Trust has 1.17 major amputations per 1,000 adults with diabetes, compared to the national average of .99 per 1,000 and that from 2008 to 2011, Wirral had 66 major amputations per 1,000 adults living with diabetes.
It disclosed further that during the same period 136 adults living with diabetes across Wirral had amputations and there were 850 episodes of care for diabetic foot disease accounting for 8,906 nights in hospital.
Over the three-year period 366 patients were admitted across Wirral PCT for foot disease.
Helen Pattie, Diabetes UK NW regional manager, said: “A single preventable amputation is one too many and the number of amputations in Wirral PCT is unacceptably high.
We need to see an improvement in the way care is organised.
“More people must get the care they deserve to drastically reduce the number of preventable amputations.”
The Putting Feet First campaign will highlight how good practice results in reduced amputation rates.
It aims to reduce diabetes related amputations by 50% over the next five years and to raise awareness of people living with diabetes in understanding how important it is to look after their feet and having them checked regularly.



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